Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Carolina On My Mind...

Hello Everyone!!

I am writing to you tonight from the Northeast Ranger Station at Yellowstone National Park!! I've made it all the way! Things here are going well so far, I'm living in a beautiful trailer just above the Entrance Station. It's small but cozy. My roommate is cool and actually made dinner tonight, which was really great after a week of cooking and eating by myself. I'm settling nicely; I have my own room and closet and all of that jazz. It is really cold here, I think in the 40s when I showed up. The only thing I really did today was drive from Rapid City to the Entrance Station. However, when I hit the Eastern Beartooth Mountains I was awe-struck by their size and dominance over the land. Then I drove up the mountains which was one heck of a task and something that made me pretty nervous. When I made it to the peak I was actually driving through a cloud so I had NO visibility. And of course the mountains were covered with snow. I drove through Cooke City and Silver Gate which are tiny little towns just outside of the entrance. So if anyone wants to visit there are plenty of places to stay in those towns. So far I've met two of the VUA's like me and the district LE Ranger for this area. Everyone seems very nice. There are a total of 11 Rangers that live in this little "village" of ours and that's about it. It is suppose to be a very slow station without a huge influx of visitors all of the time. I wish I had more to report at this time but like I said it wasn't a very eventful day. I do want to say thank you to all of you for sending my messages of encouragement and love along my Great Adventure. They gave me the power to push through any difficulties that I have come upon. My roommate and I are planning on getting satellite Internet soon and as soon as that happens, I will be able to get on facebook and upload pictures there and here. Another thank you to those of you who have sent me birthday wishes, they were nice reminders that I'm getting old :) I should be back in the near future to check my mail and write to you again (blackberry is of no use in this part of the park), just know for now that I am safe and doing well.

Until next time, faithfully yours,
-- Brent Everitt
Visitor Use Assistant
Northeast Entrance Station
Yellowstone National Park
(307) 344-2656 (call me) :)

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